

May 27, 2023

Woman gets DUI, will have jury trial in October

A Cody woman, who told police she had been abducted by aliens, was arrested on May 20 for a DUI. Police found two empty bottles of vodka, two partially empty 16-ounce bottles of Budweiser and one empty 12-ounce can of Budweiser in her car prior to her arrest.

Suzanne Marie Cole, 58, was initially stopped by Park County Sheriff's Deputy David D. Schlenker after he allegedly observed her driving too closely to a vehicle on 19th Street.

Cole was charged with a third offense of driving under the influence of alcohol, having an open container of alcohol in the vehicle, failing to maintain a single lane, following too closely and committing a turning violation.

She subsequently pleaded not guilty to all charges during her arraignment in Park County Circuit Court May 22.

According to the affidavit, around 10 p.m. on May 20, Cole was stopped on the right side of the road on 19th Street when she allegedly made a "rapid left hand turn to enter the roadway" without signaling, the affidavit said.

"The vehicle crossed over the center of 19th Street, accelerated rapidly and began following the vehicle in front of [her] too closely," Schlenker wrote in the affidavit.

After Schlenker activated his overhead lights, "the driver of the vehicle was slow to react to my lights," not coming to a stop until she reached Sheridan Avenue, the affidavit said.

When he made contact with the driver, Schlenker said he smelled a "strong odor of alcohol and observed glassy bloodshot eyes coming from the driver."

Schlenker said he explained the reason for the traffic stop to Cole.

"Cole was slurring her speech," the affidavit said. "I asked Cole how much she had had to drink, and she stated some. When asked to clarify what some meant, Cole stated about a beer."

Schlenker asked Cole to shut off her engine and exit the vehicle, which she did. When she opened the door, Schlenker observed two vodka bottles on the driver's side floorboard and three beer cans in the back pocket of the driver's seat, the affidavit said.

"Upon exiting the vehicle, Cole was unsteady on her feet and used the vehicle for balance," he wrote in the affidavit. "Cole was unable to maintain balance."

At that time, she told Schlenker "she had hit her head several days ago and had received medical treatment," the affidavit said. "Cole stated she had no ongoing effects from that incident."

She then told Schlenker that she had a bachelor's degree in accounting and had been abducted by aliens recently. At that point, Schlenker asked her to perform field sobriety tests, the affidavit said.

She started out performing the tests but "quickly became uncooperative," the affidavit said.

Cole was asked to complete the walk and turn test.

"Upon me beginning instructions, Cole began yelling and wandering around the area nearly entering the roadway," Schlenker wrote in the affidavit.

Cole was read the implied consent advisement, which explains that in Wyoming, a driver is required to submit to breath, blood or urine tests if lawfully arrested for driving while under the influence.

As Schlenker read her that advisement, Cole allegedly told him to "go [expletive] myself" multiple times, and she was "screaming loudly," the affidavit said.

"Cole was trying to kick me the entire time," Schlenker said in the affidavit.

At this time, the passenger in the vehicle told police that Cole had taken some medication for her back, possibly oxycodone, the affidavit said.

A review of Cole's criminal history showed she had two prior DUI convictions, the affidavit said.

During her arraignment, Cole was given a $3,000 cash or surety bond. She was ordered not to use, possess, consume or ingest any alcohol or illegal controlled substances, or be in places that sell alcohol, according to the bond conditions document.

By May 23, Cole had posted her bond. She now faces a jury trial in October.

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